Why do Republicans fund programs that we want reduced or eliminated?  

2 weeks ago 7

Why do Republicans fund programs that we want reduced or eliminated?  

We constantly criticize the misuse and waste in the federal government, but we continue to fund that misuse and waste. Sometimes dangerously so. 

The continuing resolution continues funding the construction of a Taj Mahal-like FBI headquarters. All the while, the FBI continues its warrantless surveillance program against Americans. The FBI in recent years has placed a priority on investigating Catholics who prefer the Latin Mass, elderly women who protest at abortion clinics and parents who participate in school board meetings.  

We routinely criticize the porous border created by Kamala Harris, who was designated border czar, and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Together with President Biden, they created two particularly pernicious programs that violate the law: the CBP One App, which allows illegal immigrants to make appointments to illegally enter the country, and special invitation and parole of illegal immigrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

Does the continuing resolution stop paying for these illegal programs? No, we pay for it. 

Just like we continue to pay for legal representation for illegal aliens. 

The continuing resolution continues paying for DEI offices and DEI training throughout the federal government, programs that Republicans universally decry. 

We also continue paying the salaries of Mayorkas (see above) and the attorney general who prosecutes the grandmamas, Merrick Garland. And don’t forget the lawfare and weaponization of the judicial system against President Trump by the likes of Jack Smith, Fani Willis and Alvin Bragg, because the continuing resolution keeps funding that as well. 

Republicans say we want to stop Green New Deal subsidies and giveaways, but we choose to fund them anyway in the continuing resolution. 

Most Americans want to defund mask mandates and vaccine requirements, but Republicans especially want to defund them. And you can tell because...Oh, wait. Our continuing resolution funds those, too. It also provides funding for the Wuhan Institute of Virology and other gain-of-function research in places like China. 

Critical Race Theory programs? Yes, the continuing resolution funds them, too.  

Money for the Bureau of Prisons to assign biological men to women’s prisons? Check, the continuing resolution covers that also, and gender transition surgeries and hormone therapies

Surely, we aren’t funding the World Health Organization and the United Nations, which are working together to establish sovereignty over the U.S. and all other nations? Oh yes, we are. The continuing resolution is funding these programs, even while we have pending legislation to defund or withdraw from them. 

The continuing resolution is anti-Second Amendment , funding the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in its attacks on ammunition manufacturers, gunmakers, sellers and owners through policies such as the Pistol Brace Rule, red-flag laws and actions to expand background checks.

We continue funding sanctuary cities, states and counties, and wonder why crime is accelerating.

The continuing resolution funds the anti-U.S. World Economic Forum, the International Criminal Court (of which we aren’t a member), and the International Court of Justice. All of which have a very real anti-American bias. 

The continuing resolution funds Special Envoys for Palestinian Affairs, Climate, Racial Equity and Justice and LGBTQI+ persons. And don’t forget that it continues to fund Planned Parenthood. Why?

Not the least troubling of this small list of items that continue to be funded by the continuing resolution is Biden's Executive Order 14019, which calls on agencies to promote “access to voting,” implying that illegal immigrants are welcome to have “access to [vote]” in the upcoming election. 

These are just a few of the policies and programs that the continuing resolution will keep in place. And the price tag for these items has not been included, but one example would be the WHO membership for just three months, until this continuing resolution expires, which exceeds $220 million. 

The reason we are barreling over the cliff with massive national debt and a structural deficit of more than $2 trillion annually is that Congress — and that includes both parties — continues to use the mechanism of the continuing resolution.  

Republicans always claim that we want to stop these pernicious programs and pare our spending. But take a look at this continuing resolution. You decide. 

Andy Biggs represents Arizona’s 5th District.

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