Why Biden's speech at UNGA should set off alarm bells across the globe

3 weeks ago 7

President Biden’s swan song on the world stage Tuesday at the United Nations General Assembly was a sad demonstration of American weakness and the failed foreign policies of the Biden-Harris administration.

Knowing full well that Iran is the leading state sponsor of terror, responsible for the escalation of instability and hatred on a global scale, the president spent two sentences of his lengthy speech on Iran. He repeated the mantra that Iran will never obtain a nuclear weapon, despite the fact that even the UN’s Atomic Energy Agency and everybody listening, knows that under his watch Iran has already become a threshold nuclear power. 

President Biden spent more time talking about Gaza than any other specific conflict, notwithstanding the hundreds of millions of people in horrific conditions in conflicts and in countries that the U.N. routinely ignores because the Jewish state is their favorite whipping boy. 

And how did Biden talk about "the Middle East"? Adopting the U.N. narrative, he demanded: "ease the suffering in Gaza" and made no mention of the suffering in Israel.


While he noted that the families of the hostages are going through hell – alongside "the innocent civilians in Gaza" – what about the suffering of all the families of the members of the Israeli Defense Forces killed by Palestinian terrorists or serving on the front lines every day to defend the nation from fiendish adversaries?  What about the suffering of millions of Israelis forced to cower in bomb shelters over and over again from the incessant rocket fire?

President Biden then lost his moral compass entirely. He addressed the immediate situation in Lebanon and said: "too many on each side of the Israeli-Lebanon border remain displaced." Tens of thousands of Israelis have been displaced from their homes in northern Israel for almost a year because of unprovoked Hezbollah-Iranian attacks. And within one week of Israel finally saying "enough" to those attacks and to the imminent catastrophic danger posed by Iran and its proxy, Biden points to displaced Lebanese. 

Displaced why? Because Hezbollah has been operating from their homes and neighborhoods and using them as cannon fodder. The moral relativism from the Democratic president of the United States should set off alarm bells.


Adopting yet another U.N. storyline, Biden then told the world to "address the rise of violence against innocent Palestinians on the West Bank" – as if there were no rise of violence in the form of Palestinian terror attacks against innocent Israeli Jews for the alleged crime of being Jews in the West Bank, and no Palestinian Authority egging on the terrorists in the West Bank with financial rewards.

In an ominous sign for a President Harris, here's what President Biden didn’t take his last opportunity to mention: the global spread of antisemitism. Antisemitism that is promoted and incited by the United Nations and those in his General Assembly audience. Antisemitism that is now doing enormous damage to a tolerant and peaceful America. Antisemitism that fuels the Iranian threat to world peace. 

Instead, the Biden-Harris administration issued platitudes about "common hope" and "cooperation" that are not only commonplace at every U.N. General Assembly gathering but enthusiastically espoused by America’s enemies from that same podium. 

President Biden’s final speech was an opportunity to be honest and chastise the United Nations itself as an impediment to tolerance, equality and world peace. 

He squandered it.


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