Watch live: House considers legislation on stopgap funding bill

3 weeks ago 6

House Republicans are racing to figure out a compromise to the latest budget standoff among factions within their party. Because of the infighting, any package will need at least some votes from Democrats to pass a three-month extension, further postponing a final budget agreement but preventing a shutdown.

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) also vowed Tuesday that he would not approve an omnibus spending bill after the stopgap runs out.

A proposal put forward last week failed in part because it included language requiring proof of citizenship for voting, which Democrats consider a redundant obstacle for citizens.

Floor debate is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. EDT, with a vote scheduled for later Wednesday.

The Senate is also expected to take up a vote on the legislation, which would fund the government at current levels through Dec. 20.

Watch the live coverage above.

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